Tool box

Make a donation

Organize a campaign

Are you interested in organizing a Centraide campaign in your workplace?

Centraide provides you with the tools you need for a successful campaign. Here are the essential steps to ensure your campaign’s success:

1. Plan

  • Review your previous campaigns
  • Set a fundraising goal
  • Establish a timeline
  • Develop your solicitation strategy with help from your Centraide advisor and delegate representatives
  1. Noëlla Beausoleil
  2. Mélanie Gendron
  3. Olivier St-Amour

2. Mobilize

  • Secure support from your leadership.
  • Gain your union’s support (if applicable).
  • Form an organizing committee that’s motivated and reflects your company’s diversity, as well as all levels of donations

3. Raise Awareness

Immerse your team in the Centraide Experience:

  • Visit an organisation

  • Request a testimonial

Use Centraide's promotional tools (see below) such as posters, awareness-raising videos, etc.

4. Solicit

  • Reach out to your colleagues.
  • Organize unique and engaging events (launches, raffles, competitions, etc.).

5. Express Gratitude

  • Show appreciation to those who contributed time to the campaign (emails, closing event, etc.) …
  • … And don’t forget those who made a donation!

Interactive form

Formulaire de don 2023.png

One pagers

Why you should give ?

2024 Lettre donner AN_page-0001.jpg

Impact of your donation

Paquin-Guérin EN.png

Social web

Toile social par champs d'action (1).png

Story-Telling Posters

Regional Posters

Regional Poster

2024-10 Affiches Regionaux_AN_page-0001.jpg

City of Gatineau

2024-10 Affiches Gatineau_AN_page-0001.jpg


2024-10 Affiches Vallee_AN_page-0001.jpg


2024-10 Affiches Pontiac_AN_page-0001.jpg


2024-10 Affiches Papineau_AN_page-0001.jpg



2024-10 Affiches Collines_AN_page-0001.jpg




Campaign posters






Community agencies directory (bilingual)

Capture d’écran 2023-10-11 141203.png

Annual report 2022-2023


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